Dec 31, 2011

Gone for a month!!!!

Out of town for a month!!! I'm going to Australia to see family and I will try to post the most I can!!!

Dec 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!!

Hello and a Merry Christmas to all!!! I hope you have lovely rest of the day with family and friends and that Santa did a good job with the presents!!!He spoiled me a lot!!!
So here are the presents from Mr Claus:
                          A Petite Blythe Mademoiselle Rosebud!! I did call her Rosebud
                                                 A Pedometer
              Two cool pears of shorts (one I'm wearing and others in my hands)
                                            The book Matilda
                                       The gingermelon coloring book
                                        A new softie book!!!
                                       And a lovely picture!!!
Now the presents from Family:

                       A Petite Blythe Cutie March!! I called her Roxy!! From my grandma!!!
                   Some Camiel Clothes!!! From my sister!!!
                             A Blythe pet shop thing!!! From all my mum,dad and sister
                        A spongebob bottle!!!! From my mum and dad
               And some clothes for blythe with lady gaga classes!! From my mum!!!
Now from the lovely Jeds123:

Thanks everybody this has been a great christmas!!!


Dec 24, 2011

Christmas is almost HERE!!!

Hellooooo!!! I'm so happy for tomorrow!!! This year went to fast!!! Actually it went so fast that I didn't feel like it was going around!!Today I'm just showing you think what I have been doing for christmas!!!
 We made a gingerbread house!!! First time actually
 I did photo to show a Petite Blythe christmas!!!
I made a christmas ornament what is a Santa!!
Here he is on the tree
I did a group photo of the christmas tree with the presents and i know the tree is little and pink!!!
 Mappel with one of the presents
 and put up my big stocking!!!
 I can't wait!!! So came back tomorrow and I will show you what I got!!!

Dec 21, 2011


Hello!!! A few days ago one of my petite Blythe's arms fell off but my mum knew it was going to happen!!! I should just get new body even if we try to fixes her she might break even more.
So here she is now!!!

It was my CUSTOM one!!!

Dec 18, 2011

Brooch work!!!

Hello and guess what??? I made a brooch today!!! it was really fun!!! The feltie's name is "ZOMBIE PIRATE". He was a winnie bit hard. I finished him after lunch and I started him this morning.
 Here is a photo!!

Dec 17, 2011

LPS hybrids and a LPS blythe hybrid!!!

Hello and I have got to get motivated on my blog!!! Today's post is a bit weird. I have done two LPS hybrids and one LPS Blythe hybrid!!! You will be wondering what a LPS hybrid is well it's a Polly Pocket body with a LPS head and a LPS Blythe hybrid is the same thing just the other way around.
Here are some photos!!! 

                                                    and Monkeybanana

Dec 15, 2011

At the hairdressers!!!

Hello and I'm very super duper sorry I haven't post lately!!! Today's post is about my petite Blythe Nell going to the hairdressers!!! She was a deserter!!!!
 Here are some photo's!!!

                                       Nell : Ok when is my haircut!!!
                                       Me : Nell your not getting a haircut!!
                                       Nell : Yes I am!!!
                                       Me : Puff
                                   Nell : Actually I don't in a haircut!!!
                                   Me : Yes you don't!!!
                                   Nell : But I get all of this stuff!!!
                                   Me : What???!!!!
                         Nell : It's not about the haircut or the trim but it's all a about the hairstyle!!!

Dec 1, 2011

Decembre dress!!!!

Hello sorry I haven't post for a while. Last month my mum orded a thew dresses from Camille if you want to see her shop go HERE. They were for christmas.Well for when we put the decorations up. Mine has a penguin on it!!!!
Here are some photos!!!

She going to have to stay in this dress intill after christmas!!! Plus+ she put in some extra goodies... there was a christmas stoking a bag and a babushka!!! It's so cute and I hope I can get more of her dresses for christmas!!!

Nov 22, 2011

Madeline's headband!!!

 Hello sorry I haven't posted lately But I got something today!!! As you might know I entered a giveaway over at Madeline's blog and I did a blogpost about it here. I won one of her headbands and it came today. Here are some photos...

Nov 14, 2011

New stuff in my garden!!!

Hello yesterday I went to a hardware store with my family to find some fun stuff for are garden and we did!!!
Here are some photos of me having fun on them!!!
 We have rings what I'm really good at and it's for doing back flips and front flips.
We have a rope to and we can do two thinks on there we can climb or swing on it like in the photos up the top. Are backward is getting better like a little train going up a mountain!!!